Stable Diffusion Glossary

The following is a glossary of terms used with Stable Diffusion and generating images with AI


In the context of Stable Diffusion, converging means that the model is gradually approaching a stable state. This means that the model is no longer changing significantly, and the generated images are becoming more realistic.

There are a few different ways to measure convergence in Stable Diffusion. One common way is to use the loss function. The loss function measures the difference between the generated image and the target image. As the model converges, the loss function should gradually decrease.

Another way to measure convergence is to use the Inception Score. The Inception Score is a metric that measures the diversity and realism of the generated images. As the model converges, the Inception Score should gradually increase.

Finally, convergence can also be measured visually. As the model converges, the generated images should become more realistic and less noisy.

Here are some tips for improving convergence in Stable Diffusion:

  • Use a high-quality dataset. A high-quality dataset will help the model learn to generate more realistic images.
  • Train the model for a longer period of time. This will give the model more time to learn and converge.
  • Use a lower learning rate. A lower learning rate will help the model converge more smoothly.
  • Use a regularization technique. Regularization techniques can help prevent the model from overfitting the training data.

Guidance scale

The guidance scale is a parameter in Stable Diffusion that controls how much importance is given to the textual prompt when generating an image. Essentially, it amplifies the influence of the conditioning signal, which is the textual prompt that is given to the model.

A higher guidance scale means that the model will be more likely to generate an image that matches the prompt. However, a higher guidance scale can also lead to less creative images. A lower guidance scale means that the model will be more likely to generate creative images, but it may not match the prompt as closely.

The default guidance scale is 7. This means that the model will give the prompt a moderate amount of importance. However, you can experiment with different guidance scales to find the setting that works best for you.

Here are some examples of how the guidance scale can affect the generated images:

  • With a guidance scale of 1, the model will generate images that are completely random and do not match the prompt at all.
  • With a guidance scale of 10, the model will generate images that are very similar to the prompt, but they may not be very creative.
  • With a guidance scale of 5, the model will generate images that are a good balance of creativity and accuracy.

The guidance scale is a powerful tool that can help you to control the generated images. By experimenting with different guidance scales, you can find the setting that works best for your specific needs.

Inferencing steps

Inference steps is an important hyperparameter in Stable Diffusion inferencing. It controls how many steps the model takes to generate an image from a text prompt. A higher number of inference steps will result in a more realistic image, but it will also take longer to generate the image.

Here are some tips for choosing the number of inference steps for Stable Diffusion:

  • Start with a small number of inference steps, such as 10.
  • Increase the number of inference steps if the image is not realistic enough.
  • Decrease the number of inference steps if the image is taking too long to generate.

Latent space

In the context of diffusion models, "latent space" refers to a lower-dimensional representation of an image that captures its essential features or characteristics. Such diffusion models are a class of generative models used for image synthesis and completion tasks.

These models work by iteratively updating the pixels of an image through a series of steps, called diffusion steps. At each diffusion step, the model partially reveals the image by updating a subset of pixels, effectively increasing the image's "diffusion" or randomness. By applying these diffusion steps in reverse order, starting from a random noise image and progressively revealing more information, the model generates a realistic image.

The latent space is a crucial component of image diffusion models. It represents a compact and continuous vector space, where each point in the space corresponds to a potential image. The diffusion process effectively maps an image from this latent space to its observed counterpart through the partial pixel updates. Therefore, the model learns to encode images in this latent space such that meaningful variations in the latent vectors result in corresponding variations in the generated images.

This latent space representation allows for various interesting applications, such as image interpolation (generating images between two latent points) and image editing (modifying specific attributes by adjusting the corresponding latent vectors). Additionally, it enables more efficient storage and manipulation of image data compared to raw pixel representations.

Overall, the latent space in image diffusion models plays a vital role in learning and generating realistic and diverse images by capturing the underlying structure of the data in a lower-dimensional space.

Learning rate

The learning rate is a hyperparameter that controls how much the model parameters are updated during training. In the context of Stable Diffusion fine tuning, the learning rate is typically set to a small value, such as 1e-6. This is because the model is already well-trained, and a large learning rate could cause the model to overfit the training data.

Here are some tips for choosing a learning rate for Stable Diffusion fine tuning:

  • Start with a small learning rate, such as 1e-6.
  • Increase the learning rate if the model is not converging.
  • Decrease the learning rate if the model is overfitting.

Negative prompt, negative_prompt

A negative prompt is a text description that is used to guide the generation of an image by specifying what the model should avoid. It is usually entered in a separate input box below the positive prompt, which is the text that describes what you want to see in the image.

Negative prompts can be used to remove specific elements, styles, or environments from an image. For example, you could use a negative prompt to remove the background of an image, or to remove a specific object from an image.

Negative prompts can also be used to modify the mood or style of an image. For example, you could use a negative prompt to make an image more cheerful, or to make an image more abstract.

Here are some examples of negative prompts:

  • "background"
  • "people"
  • "text"
  • "pink"
  • "artsy"

By using negative prompts, you can fine-tune the generated images to create more specific and refined results.

Here are some tips for writing good negative prompts:

  • Be specific about what you want to avoid.
  • Use keywords that are relevant to the desired image.
  • Use descriptive language.
  • Avoid using pronouns or other ambiguous words.


In the context of diffusion models, "noise" refers to the random perturbations added to the pixels of an image during the diffusion process. Noise is a central aspect of diffusion models, and it plays a key role in generating realistic and diverse images.

The diffusion process in these models proceeds in multiple steps, with each step gradually revealing more information about the final image. At each step, the model applies a carefully designed noise schedule, where the amount of noise added to the image increases over time. This noise is often drawn from a simple distribution, such as a Gaussian distribution or a uniform distribution.

By applying increasing levels of noise, the model encourages the learning of meaningful and interpretable representations in the latent space. In the early stages of the diffusion process, the added noise masks the image information, and the model has to rely on the information encoded in the latent space to generate sensible image reconstructions. As the diffusion steps progress, the noise decreases, allowing more accurate pixel updates that gradually reveal the full image.

The process of adding noise during the diffusion process can be thought of as a form of denoising autoencoder, where the model learns to encode the image's salient information in a lower-dimensional space while being robust to the noise introduced during the reconstruction process.

Noise is a critical factor in the success of diffusion models because it prevents the model from merely memorizing the training data and forces it to generalize to new, unseen examples. The noise helps in regularizing the training process and improves the model's ability to generate diverse and realistic images.

In summary, noise in diffusion models refers to the random perturbations added to the image during the diffusion process. It aids in learning meaningful representations in the latent space, enables the generation of realistic images, and promotes generalization to unseen data.


Overfitting is a problem that occurs in machine learning when a model learns the training data too well, and as a result, it does not generalize well to new data. This means that the model performs well on the training data, but it does not perform as well on new data that it has not seen before.

Overfitting can occur for a number of reasons, including:

  • The model is too complex.
  • The training data is not representative of the real world.
  • The model is not trained for long enough.

There are a number of ways to prevent overfitting, including:

  • Using regularization techniques.
  • Using a validation set.
  • Early stopping.
  • Data augmentation.

Regularization techniques add a penalty to the model's loss function, which helps to prevent the model from becoming too complex. A validation set is a set of data that is held out from the training data and is used to evaluate the model's performance on new data. Early stopping stops the training process before the model starts to overfit the training data. Data augmentation creates new data by transforming the existing data, which can help to prevent the model from memorizing the training data.

Overfitting is a common problem in machine learning, but it can be prevented by using the techniques mentioned above. By preventing overfitting, you can ensure that your models will perform well on new data.

Here are some of the signs of overfitting:

  • The model performs well on the training data, but it does not perform as well on the validation data.
  • The model's loss function continues to decrease even after the training process has stopped.
  • The model's predictions become increasingly erratic as the training process continues.
  • If you notice any of these signs, you may need to take steps to prevent overfitting. Some of the techniques mentioned above, such as regularization, validation, and early stopping, can help to prevent overfitting.

Pretrained Model Name, pretrained_model_name

The pretrained_model_name parameter in Stable Diffusion refers to the name of the pre-trained model that you want to use. Stable Diffusion is a family of generative models that can be used to create realistic images from text prompts. However, these models can be computationally expensive to train from scratch. Therefore, you can use a pre-trained model that has already been trained on a large dataset of images.

There are a number of different pre-trained Stable Diffusion models available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the most popular pre-trained models include:

  • Realistic Vision: This model is known for its ability to generate realistic images of people, animals, and objects.
  • DreamShaper: This model is known for its ability to generate creative and imaginative images.
  • AbyssOrangeMix3 (AOM3): This model is known for its ability to generate high-quality images with a wide variety of styles.
  • Anything V3: This model is known for its ability to generate images that are both realistic and creative.

The pretrained_model_name parameter allows you to specify which pre-trained model you want to use. For example, if you want to use the Realistic Vision model, you would set the pretrained_model_name parameter to realistic_vision.

Here are some of the benefits of using a pre-trained model:

  • It is faster to train a model from a pre-trained model than from scratch.
  • It is easier to fine-tune a model that has already been trained on a large dataset.
  • It is more likely that a pre-trained model will be able to generate realistic images.

However, there are also some drawbacks to using a pre-trained model:

  • The pre-trained model may not be able to generate images that are relevant to your specific task.
  • The pre-trained model may not be able to generate images that are as creative or imaginative as you would like.

Overall, the pretrained_model_name parameter is a powerful tool that can help you to generate realistic images from text prompts. By choosing the right pre-trained model, you can improve the quality of your generated images and save time on training.


A prompt is a text description that is used to guide the generation of an image. The prompt can be as simple as a single word or phrase, or it can be a more detailed description of the desired image.

The prompt is used to inform the Stable Diffusion model about the desired characteristics of the image. For example, a prompt might specify the following:

  • The subject of the image (e.g., a cat, a landscape, or a still life)
  • The style of the image (e.g., realistic, cartoony, or abstract)
  • The colors in the image
  • The mood of the image

The more specific the prompt, the more likely it is that the Stable Diffusion model will be able to generate an image that matches the desired specifications. However, it is also important to be creative with prompts, as this can help to generate more interesting and unique images.

Here are some tips for writing good prompts for Stable Diffusion:

  • Be as specific as possible.
  • Use keywords that are relevant to the desired image.
  • Use descriptive language.
  • Avoid using pronouns or other ambiguous words.

Here are some examples of good prompts for Stable Diffusion:

  • "A realistic portrait of a cat sitting on a windowsill."
  • "A cartoony landscape of a forest with a rainbow in the sky."
  • "A abstract image of a woman's face in blue and yellow."
  • "A moody image of a city at night."

By following these tips, you can write prompts that will help you to generate realistic, creative, and unique images with Stable Diffusion.


Regularization is a technique used to prevent machine learning models from overfitting the training data. Overfitting occurs when a model learns the training data too well, and as a result, it does not generalize well to new data. Regularization techniques help to prevent overfitting by adding a penalty to the model's loss function. This penalty penalizes the model for having large coefficients, which can help to prevent the model from becoming too complex.

There are two main types of regularization: L1 regularization and L2 regularization. L1 regularization penalizes the model for having large coefficients by adding the absolute value of the coefficients to the loss function. L2 regularization penalizes the model for having large coefficients by adding the square of the coefficients to the loss function.

L1 regularization is often used when the model is sparse, meaning that many of the coefficients are zero. This is because L1 regularization tends to shrink the coefficients towards zero, which can help to make the model more sparse. L2 regularization is often used when the model is not sparse, meaning that most of the coefficients are non-zero. This is because L2 regularization does not shrink the coefficients as much as L1 regularization, which can help to prevent the model from becoming too simple.

The optimal type of regularization to use will depend on the specific model and the dataset. However, in general, L1 regularization is often a good choice for sparse models, while L2 regularization is often a good choice for non-sparse models.

Here are some of the benefits of using regularization:

  • It can help to prevent overfitting.
  • It can help to improve the generalization performance of the model.
  • It can help to make the model more interpretable.

Here are some of the drawbacks of using regularization:

  • It can reduce the accuracy of the model on the training data.
  • It can make the model slower to train.
  • It can make the model more difficult to interpret.

Overall, regularization is a valuable technique that can help to improve the performance of machine learning models. However, it is important to use regularization carefully, as it can also have some negative effects.


Underfitting is a problem that occurs in machine learning when a model is too simple and does not learn the training data well. This means that the model performs poorly on both the training data and new data.

Underfitting can occur for a number of reasons, including:

  • The model is not complex enough.
  • The training data is not representative of the real world.
  • The model is not trained for long enough.

There are a number of ways to prevent underfitting, including:

  • Using a more complex model.
  • Using a larger training dataset.
  • Training the model for longer.

Using a more complex model will help the model to learn the training data more effectively. Using a larger training dataset will help the model to learn more about the real world. Training the model for longer will give the model more time to learn the training data.

Underfitting is a less common problem than overfitting, but it can still occur. By using the techniques mentioned above, you can prevent underfitting and ensure that your models will perform well on both the training data and new data.

Here are some of the signs of underfitting:

  • The model performs poorly on both the training data and the validation data.
  • The model's loss function does not decrease as the training process continues.
  • The model's predictions are consistently wrong.

If you notice any of these signs, you may need to take steps to prevent underfitting. Some of the techniques mentioned above, such as using a more complex model or training the model for longer, can help to prevent underfitting.