Stable Diffusion Webhooks

Webhooks are the primary way in which results from inferencing are returned to your application.

Registering webhooks

Registering a webhook is quite simple. When sending an inferencing request, simply pass a developer-defined secret token, such as a JavaScript Web Token (JWT), along with a publicly accessible URL that supports HTTP POST with a JSON body. Diffute will callback with a JSON manifest containing matching identifiers based upon the name used for each prompt in the request.

The developer-defined secret token will be sent as a bearer token in an Authentication header in the HTTP POST callback so that you can verify that the authenticity of the HTTP POST request.

Consuming webhooks

Example webhook payload

  "name": "Houston",
    "Ansel_Adams": ["https://url_to_media1", "https://url_to_media2", "https://url_to_media3"],
    "Henri_Rousseau": ["https://url_to_media4", "https://url_to_media5", "https://url_to_media6"],
    "Rachel_Ruysch": ["https://url_to_media7", "https://url_to_media8", "https://url_to_media9"]
  "job_id": 1234567890

The payload above will be delivered to the URL through a Diffute webhook if the request is as follows. Notice images contains keys with the name of the individual prompts pointing to a list of URLs with a length of num_images.

Example of an inference request

  curl --request PUT \
  --url<organization_id>/<project_id>/media/inference \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'x-api-key: long-api-key/default' \
  --data '{
  "prompts": [
    "name": "Ansel_Adams",
    "prompt": "A series of black and white photographs capturing the beauty and grandeur of Yosemite National Park",
    "num_images": 3,
    "height": 1024,
    "width": 768,
    "style": "photography in the style of Ansel Adams"
    "name": "Henri_Rousseau",
    "prompt": "A painting of a lush jungle scene with a variety of exotic plants and animals",
    "num_images": 3,
    "height": 1024,
    "width": 768,
    "style": "painting in the style of Henri Rousseau"
    "name": "Rachel_Ruysch",
    "prompt": "Still life painting featuring a variety of flowers and plants found in a garden",
    "num_images": 3,
    "height": 1024,
    "width": 768,
    "style": "painting in the style of Rachel Ruysch"
  "webhook" : "",
  "secret" : "4f986e48-0129-480e-996a-728ea57c020c",
  "pretrained_model_name" : "stabilityai/stable-diffusion-xl-base-1.0",
  "name" : "Houston"